Thursday, April 22, 2010

# flowers # photographs

Time for Me Thursday

I confess. I did my special time for me yesterday, but that's ok. It doesn't have to be on Thursday, it just has to be done. In this case, I went outside and I laid in my backyard. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the gentle breeze and the scent of Spring in the air. Honestly, I don't think there's anything better. Since someone, at some point planted some gorgeous flowers around the yard, I also snapped some pictures. Ok, the truth is that I laid on the ground, got all dirty and took these photos. Want to know the best part? I had a ball doing it!

Dandelion 2

Red Tulips

Yellow Tulip Inside

Red/Orange Tulip Opening



Dumb Mom said...

I wish I had "special time". I miss it. Great shots by the way!

Edie van den Ordel said...

Katie those are some GORGEOUS flower shots! Well done!

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