Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Rayovac Rocks!

5:58 PM 0 Comments

Have you seen what Rayovac is giving away for Christmas? It's $1,000! The best part is that it's super easy to enter! You just have to go to Facebook and click on their like button. You can find them at Facebook.com/Rayovac.  Then, you just pop over to Rayovac.com and complete the entry form! How easy is that? Plus, did I mention that you can win $1,000? Imagine how far that would go towards the holidays or if you're like me, paying off some of those bills to lessen the stresses of life. What are you waiting for, go enter now! 


**Followers who promote the Rayovac Mom Rocks the Holidays Sweepstakes may receive gifts from Rayovac.**

Monday, November 15, 2010

100 Fans Giveaway! - Closed

5:33 PM 8 Comments
Surprise! I found some items that I wanted to share with the fans of Katie's Craft Corner over on Facebook and decided not to wait until December to do our first giveaway!

Now, don't get too excited by the picture over there to the left. That isn't exactly what the winner will be getting. However, it does show a sample of the Inspiration Sheets that will be part of this prize.  What will the winner receive? Well, let me tell you!

  • Set of at least 10 Inspiration Sheets to fuel your inner crafter!
  • Small package of chocolates to give you the fuel to craft!
  • 1-2 handmade cards to either keep for inspiration or to send out to friends/family!
Entry to the giveaway is nice and easy.  All you have to do is make sure that you've "liked" my Facebook page and then come over here and leave a comment letting me know that you've done it and what your name is there.  All entrants will be verified and then a winner will be chosen using random.org. This giveaway will close on November 19th at 10pm est. Good luck, everyone and make sure you keep sending everyone you know to the Facebook page. I'll be doing 2 more giveaways if we can get to 200 fans by December 1st!


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Changing for the Better

9:17 PM 2 Comments
These days I don't seem to sit down regularly to write. It's ok because I'm busy making other changes. Changes that will free up my time and free up my mind.

I've been working on my home. I've been cleaning daily and doing a load of laundry daily. Is the house perfect? Would I let anyone in the house if I didn't have a choice? Nope, not yet. However, it is better. I've purged a lot of stuff out of my kitchen. I think I've purged 4 bags of unneeded groceries, alone. Seriously, how many bags of flour does one family need? I'm glad that I can help people as I clear out what I don't need.

I'm also proud to say that I'm nearly all caught up on my dishes. A while ago, the dishwasher here just stopped getting things clean and I wasn't keeping up on hand washing dishes. Now, I'm just about all caught up which makes me smile every time I open a drawer or cupboard and can immediately find just what I'm looking for. This is also going to make Thanksgiving a heck of a lot easier.

I've started with the kitchen and the laundry. Tomorrow, I'll be back in the kitchen and with any luck, I'll get it all finished up. Justin will be visiting Tuesday-Sunday but I'm not going to let that stop my progress. In fact, he's going to help me winterize the house and do some things that I need an extra pair of strong hands/arms with.

Now, let's just hope that the furnace in this house hasn't died. The thermostat has read 60 all day long and hasn't shut off for hours. I don't want to have to tell the leasing agent something is wrong with it. The owners have no desire to do repairs on this property plus the laundry room (where the basement access is) is really, really far from being at a point where people could go into it.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

No Time Like Today

12:34 AM 0 Comments
Failure is something that I think most people are afraid of. Failure is something most of us accuse ourselves of on a regular basis. I know that it's something I deal with almost daily.  I look around my house and I tell myself that I'm a failure as a housekeeper. I read other people's blogs and I think I'm a failure as a blogger because I don't write every single day and it's not mind blowingly brilliant like the things people repost on Facebook. I tell myself that I'm a failure...or not the best...parent because I can't give my children everything that I think they deserve.

Then, I stop. I realize that this is the worst kind of thing I can do to myself. Talk about a horrible self-fulfilling prophesy in the making. If I believe these things, I will become these things. As you may have noticed from this blog, I've done a lot of soul searching and some soul finding lately. I realized what I've been doing to myself. That's right, to myself. I'm not blaming a single other person. I chose to let their words hurt me. I chose to let their actions affect me. My decisions, my fault.

It's ok, though. I forgive myself. Now, it's time to move on. Part of what I realized is that yesterday is just that. It's yesterday. It's the past. It's gone. Was it perfect? Nope. Will today be? Probably not. Nothing is perfect. That's ok though because I'm not looking for perfection. I'm looking for progress. I'm looking for growth. I'm looking for a smile and a laugh and a renewal of joy. The best part? I'm finding it. I'm forgiving myself for the past and focusing on today.

That's right. Today. Not tomorrow, not next week, not next month or even next year. Just today. Why? Because today is right now. Today is the day that I'm living in. Today is the day where I smile while I'm doing dishes because I'm blessed to have dishes to do and food to dirty those dishes. I can't change yesterday and I can't live tomorrow right now.

As FlyLady would say, I'm not behind. I just need to jump in where I'm at. Only I can make the changes within myself and those changes will make me a better mom, a better person and a much happier girl. Life is hard sometimes but it doesn't have to be a miserable experience. I don't have all the money I want or heck, even need. I don't have all of the cool new gadgets or toys and that's ok. I have something even better. I have a smile. I have a laugh. I have friends who love me. I have two of the most incredible boys in the world. I have today.


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