Monday, May 31, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

4:11 PM 0 Comments
Woo! Monday again and it's a holiday! Happy Memorial Day everyone! The boys and I don't have any big plans for today. I'm doing my radio show and late on tonight we're going to cook up some brats on the Foreman. I'd love to say on the grill, but we don't have one and I can't afford to get one. It's on my wishlist for sure.

So, now that I gave away what we're having for dinner tonight, let me fill you in on the rest of this week's menu:

Monday - Brats & fruit
Tuesday - Burgers
Wednesday - Lasagna
Thursday - Homemade Pizza
Friday - Leftovers

No plan past that point, yet. The boys go back to their Dad's on Friday and I'll be picking them up on Sunday afternoon. I'll probably just work my way through any leftovers this weekend.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Time for Me Thursday

3:39 PM 0 Comments
Whew! It's Thursday and it's still hot out! I thought the weather was supposed to cool down today. You coulda fooled me! I went outside to throw away some yucky cat litter and the heat smacked me right upside the head and had me scurrying back inside where I can sit in front of my little fan. It doesn't do much good but it's sure better than a boot in the butt!

I've been a busy little camper this week and so having a day at home is a real treat for me. I'm mixing catching up on some housework with a lot of time for thought, reflection and writing. I have some friends who are having some relationship problems and while I know they're going to work them out, it sure has gotten the wheels inside of my own head turning. I started writing a piece about relationships and the importance of communication but I'm not sure that I'm going to finish it. That's the problem with my poor brain today. It has a million thoughts inside and I think they're all related to different things. It stays hard to focus on just one. That's ok, though. I'm just happy my brain is still working after this heatwave and me having to be outside in it!

Ok, time for me to get back to work. I'm one day short of finishing next week's menu. I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow and it's the first week with the kids for the summer so I'm keeping it nice and easy. Besides, if I'm honest, I just don't have the energy for a huge shopping trip tomorrow. I'm using it all up today writing and thinking and housecleaning!

So, that's my plan for today. What are you going to do for yourself today? Remember, a happy you makes for happy people around you.


(almost) Wordless Wednesday

3:32 PM 1 Comments
Over on Sunday Shutterbugs, the theme for this week is Kiss. When I spotted these magnets at the gift shop in Greenfield Village, I couldn't resist snapping this picture. I wish it were better quality, but the shop was crammed full of people and I was lucky to get this picture because some kid kept spinning the rack these magnets were on. I wanted to buy one and bring it home with me, but for $9.99 plus tax, a picture would have to do.



Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tackle It Tuesday

12:09 AM 0 Comments
So much to tackle, so little time. This week is pure insanity. I never thought I would say it, but I'm going to be glad when school is out on Friday. It will put an end to some of the running around. Some of it. There's still doctor's appointments from time to time and going into Hastings every couple of weeks to pick up the boys.

That's this summer though. For now, I have a couple of simple tasks I want to tackle. It's too darn hot here to do much more than that. I want to make up the end of year teacher's gifts so that they're ready to take with me on Friday. Once I get that done, I want to download the new ads for my radio show and upload a few of my recent shows. That's it. No pressure, nothing that's going to melt me into a puddle of sweaty goo. Once this heat breaks, I'm going to mow the lawn but I need all the energy I can get for tomorrow's all day (like 12+ hours) field trip.


Monday, May 24, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

10:06 PM 0 Comments
Ugh. It's hot. Who the heck authorized it to be hot? It most certainly was not me. I can tell you that. This week is insane enough without us getting smacked with temperatures hovering around 90. Yuck!

Today was the boys' field day and I got up early so that I could drive over and enjoy it with them. It certainly was different than any of the field days we had when I was a kid. The kids all seemed to really enjoy the different stations that were set up. The boys got to play tennis, throw softballs, have a water relay, run races, do long jump and do high jump. I'm telling you that those kids will all sleep well tonight. You could see the heat just wearing them down as much as the physical exercise was. I did get a few pictures but spent most of my time helping to herd Mr. Willard's class around. Donna was there, as well, so she got some pictures that I already snagged from her facebook page. Thank goodness for technology, eh?

Now, I'm going to be honest here. I'm not making a menu for this week. There are a few reasons for that. 1.) It's blasted hot outside and inside. This house doesn't know what a/c is. 2.) I'm going to be running like a maniac for half of this week so I don't even know what times I'll be home. 3.) Ummm...I'm hot and tired and just don't wanna?

I will, however, be planning one on Thursday because Friday is my big shopping day. Starting Friday at 11:50am, I have the boys for the summer. I cannot believe how fast this past year has flown by! I'm probably only going to do enough shopping for a week because I want the boys to do some helping out with the menu planning this summer and we need to set up our summer routine. We're going to have one day every week to two weeks that we drive into Grand Ledge and do our grocery shopping, I think. The other option is to continue to do it in Hastings, just move it to the day that I pick them up from their dad's place. Something to ponder, that's for sure.

But, for now, I'm going to turn the fan so that it's blowing right on me and relax with some water and something on tv. I don't know what but I'm hoping something good is on. I'm feeling far too hot and lazy to go pick out a movie and put it into the dvd player. What would we have done before technology saved us from getting up off our butts? Well, I probably would have weighed a lot less which reminds me that I need to talk to nickle and Kath and Rob and Justin and ..and..and...well, I dunno who else about setting up our weight loss journey blog. No need to do it if they're not in.

Ok, enough babbling. Brain bake has set in for good and I need to try to avoid worsening the condition. ;)


Friday, May 21, 2010

Finish It Friday

10:28 PM 0 Comments
Happy Friday, everyone! I hope that everyone out there had a better day than I did here. I swear it was just one darn thing after another. None of them were major but when you're tired and hormonal, they sure seem to be.

Let's see, the day started out at 5:30am when I woke up and realized I had left the lawn mower outside and it was raining. After taking care of that, I crawled back into bed and in my exhausted state, way overslept and had to scramble to put my radio show together. Then, during the show, I realized that the darn Magic Jack had hijacked my microphone. The entire show was pure chaos. Plus, I pouted about the fact that I don't think anyone is really listening to the show.

Then, I dealt with some obnoxious people and realized one of my shelves in the bedroom had completely fallen out of the wall, dumping books everywhere. Oh, and the cats knocked over my container of plastic containers. Ugh. I'm telling you, I've totally had enough of today.

So, what am I going to finish today. I'm going to try to finish feeling sorry for myself. I'm going to curl up with the cheeseburger I just made and watch this week's episode of Glee off of the dvr. Thank goodness for technology. Then, I'm going to remember all of the good things in my life and pick up those plastic containers. No more decisions tonight. No worrying about if I should continue my radio show. Just relaxation and a lovely cheeseburger.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Time for Me Thursday

8:26 PM 1 Comments
I bet some of you were wondering if I'm alive out here, huh? Well, I am! In fact, I'm alive and mostly well, even! After an incredibly wonderful week in Canada, I came home to a bit of chaos. The lease here is up at the end of the month and the leasing agent "randomly" decided that he had to do a house inspection before he would renew the lease for us. So, start a few days of mad cleaning and organizing combined with some superduper omg yay company that came to visit from Thursday until Monday. Thank goodness he was here because my darn futon frame decided to crack and I needed some help getting it outside for some lucky freecycler to attempt to repair. We replaced it with a pretty nice couch that we found at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore.

Other than that, it's been field trip time around here. I've already gone on two field trips this week. On Tuesday, I went with Roger to the Portage Air Zoo. We had a good time. I'm thinking that we might go back sometime so that I can actually read the information about the different things we were seeing. The class got there late so we didn't have a chance to do the tour.

Yesterday, Roger's class spent the day at the Saugatuck Dunes State Park. I got some incredible photos during the first half of the day. Unfortunately, during a hike up a massive sand dune, my asthma kicked in and I spent the second half of the hike getting my breathing back under control. Roger was super great about it though. I kept encouraging him and Hailey (another girl in his class) to catch up with the class and I'd catch up eventually but they both insisted on staying with me and making sure that I was ok. I really do have a great kid and so do Hailey's parents.

Now, on to today and my time for me. Well, I've spent most of the day snuggled up on the "new" couch, catching up on things off of the dvr. Why? Well, because yesterday took a lot of out me with my lungs plus, my calves are killing me. It probably didn't help that I decided to go out and mow most of the front lawn today. So, tv time it's been for me. I also spent a good chunk of time flipping through old photographs which I just love to do.

How about all of you? What are you doing to relax and to take care of yourself?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

(almost) Wordless Wednesday

8:12 PM 1 Comments
Welcome to (almost) Wordless Wednesday and another new theme over at Sunday Shutterbugs. This week, they chose Jagged. I love this theme. It's so creative and it just happens that I have the perfect photo that I actually took today!

Roger asked me to come along on his class field trip out to Saugatuck Dunes State Park. I wish I had taken more photos but unfortunately, I had a near ugly asthma attack after hiking up a huge sand dune and spent the rest of the hike just getting my breathing under control. I did give my email address to one of the other ladies on the trip so hopefully she'll send me some or all of her photos.

Tumbled Tree


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

(almost) Wordless Wednesday

8:06 PM 1 Comments
Another Wednesday, another new theme over at Sunday Shutterbugs. This week, the theme is Jump. Now, I confess two things. 1. This isn't a new picture. I took it back when I was still attending UB. 2. I don't care. One of the wonderful things about themes is that you can make them work for you. When it comes to Wednesdays, I enjoy digging back through old photos as much as I enjoy taking a new one for the theme.

Now, this guy clearly jump(ed) off of something to be achieving such a near perfect dive. Sadly, the only thing below him is the ground and not a lovely pool of water.

Baird Hall Beam


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Don't Panic

5:01 PM 3 Comments
Hi all! I just wanted to let you know I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth, I've just gone to Canada for a week. I'm hanging out with the awesome nickle and also go to see Kath. Yay! I'll be back next week and don't be surprised if I sneak in a few entries while I'm gone.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Save the Planet Saturday

5:08 PM 0 Comments
Just a quick note to those of you, who like our family, are planting gardens. Watch where your water is going. While a rain barrel is your best option for collecting water to take care of your garden, not all of us are fortunate enough to have one. If you're using a hose or sprinkler system to water, make sure that you do it early in the morning. That way your flowers/plants are getting as much water as possible with as little of it evaporating off into the atmosphere. This will keep you from having to water as often which will save on that water bill.


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