Monday, January 30, 2012

# menu planning monday # recipe link

Menu Plan Monday

Wow, it's Monday again. I don't even know where the last week went. It seems I was just sitting down to add this part back into my routine and suddenly..wooosh! The entire week is gone. Well, I have some bad news to report. While I made up that delicious menu, I didn't cook a single thing off of it. Not one thing. I have perfectly reasonable reasons excuses why that is. Let's see...
Monday - No milk
Tuesday - Didn't feel good
Wednesday - Went out for Roger's birthday
Thursday - ???
Friday - Picked up pizza for Roger's actual birthday
Saturday - Kids pushed some buttons and we were busy..before I knew it, it was late & Justin saved my butt by ordering dinner
Sunday - Wasn't feeling super hot so just had some fruit & a sandwich for dinner.

Nice job, huh? Geez. I guess the fact that I made the menu plan is a step in the right direction but I think I need to make a firmer step. Maybe this week I'll manage to cook 2 of the 7 means, huh? Life is slowly coming back together and I have to remind myself that slower is better right now. If I keep it slow, I keep it manageable while I build new routines and habits. Now, since I did nothing off of last week's it is again! I am making a few changes since I won't have the boys this weekend and we don't have a birthday to celebrate.

Monday - Mac n Cheese (with tuna/peas)
Tuesday - Salt n Pepper Pork Chops w/ salad
Wednesday - White Cheddar Chicken Pasta
Thursday - Easy Peasy Calzones
Friday - Grilled Ham & Cheese
Saturday - Pizza
Sunday - Baked BBQ Chicken w/ Salad & Garlic Smashed Potatoes


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