Thursday, December 12, 2024

# 2025 # catching up

2025 Goals: Part 1

If you read my post yesterday, you may have noticed that I said I had things that I want to share with you. Well, welcome to day 1 of those things! As 2024 winds down, a lot of us are turning our attention to the new year. I don't really do resolutions, but I do like to have a plan and a theme. The theme for 2025 is going to be ....

Education and Advancement!

As a writer, editor, and streamer, there is a lot that I can learn to improve on all of those areas. I truly believe that if I start investing in myself and in those areas, I can change the situation that my family finds itself in. I can get us out of a bad housing situation and into something that is truly ours. I can stop worrying that we're going to be homeless. That's one of my personal goals for 2025 that will be supported by my business goals. 

You may have noticed that I broke the business goals into three areas: writing, editing, and streaming. I'm also going to split this into three posts, starting with my writing goals!

My overall goal? Two books. I want to do one more toy store book and possibly wrap that series. That or figure out a better way to market it. I think I need to talk to Phoebe about keywords on Amazon. She’s much better in that area than I am. She offered before, but we just never got around to it. Okay, so let’s break this down in more of a list format.

-            Keywords with Phoebe

o   See how much she’d charge to go over all 6 current books

-            Write 2 more books by December 2025

o   Bongo’s Buddies

o   Holidays at the Toy Store Part 2 (obviously working title there)

-            Merch

o   This is a cross-pollination kind of thing with streaming.

o   Build up the fourthwall store.

§  Character shirts

§  Logo shirts

§  Hats

·       Baseball

·       Beanie

§  Mugs

§  Notebooks

§  Tote bag

o   Talk to Will about getting designs from him

o   Talk to Maxx about some new designs

o   Talk to Eric about using the book covers in some fashion

-            Shows

o   Alma - March

o   Lansing - July

o   Grand Rapids - November

o   St Catherine’s - November

* Midland (?)

-            Craft Shows

o   Middleville

o   Hastings

o   Lake Odessa (Christmas)?

*  Hastings - Jingle Mingle (Library)

-            Show Stock

o   My books

o   Coloring book

o   Snow Paw

o   Cthulhu books

o   Mittens (?)

o   Stickers (?)

o   Pins (?)

o   Prints (?)

-            Library readings

-            Bookstore signings

-            Holiday Bundles

-            Look into ALLi (see Russell email 11/27)

-            Set up a mailing list

As you can see, I've put a lot of thought into this. It's that important to me. This is just part of a three page document that I wrote out. Come back soon for Part 2: Editing. 

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