Thursday, September 25, 2008

# pazzles

My new baby...

My new baby finally arrived today. After saving my pennies for months and then waiting weeks to finalize the order, he's finally here! Yes, of course it's a he..just look at him below. Now, like any new mama, I had to take lots of pics and share them with all my friends and family. So, without further ado..please give lots of love to baby pazzles.

Just one more push..or pull...
Just one more tug and he'll be out...

Big teddy holding the new baby..
Big Teddy holding the new baby...

Steph's baby!
My friend Steph's baby!

All the new baby's toys..
Baby pazzle's toys...

Baby accessories
He's spoiled already!

Presents from the new baby
Like any good child, he brought his mama some presents!

Hope you've enjoyed meeting my new lil one. I was really surprised when I pulled him out and found those already cut out goodies. No worries, there's always a page that can use an orange moose, right?



@wesome@bby said...

SOMEONE must love you! :) Lucky girl, you are! Enjoy! (And thanks for alerting me by my other email so I can stay tuned a lil bit better.)

Klo said...

Congratulations, I think he has your 'eyes'...*grin....

Jim said...

Congratz on the arrival of your newborn baby Pazzles!

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