Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Corn on the Cob...

There's something about corn on the cob that whisks me back to childhood. I can clearly remember being sent outside with a dozen ears of corn and a brown paper bag to husk it. I would sit in the swing that my grandfather had built as a surprise for my grandmother and happily peel back those green leaves and make sure that not a single hair remained on it. Yes, I was a perfectionist even then... My grandfather is gone now and so is that swing...My grandmother sold the cabin a few years ago and while I think she may have taken the swing down, it no longer sits outside the gingerbread cottage where I spent many a happy summer's day, just shucking corn.


1 comment:

Jim said...

Shucking corn is one of life's little pleasures. Followed of course by the eating thereof, which is another of life's little pleasures. Around here there are festivals pretty much every weekend of the summer and one of the best things at the festivals is grill-roasted corn on the cob. That sweet treat, fire-roasted to perfection. Makes my mouth water just thinking about it. I think I need to go buy some corn on the cob now ...

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